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MEA Fortuna

Fitness &
Personal Training

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TRX:  or suspension training is a highly effective full-body workout in which you use your own body weight as training resistance.

HIIT: stands for high-intensity interval training. This involves alternating short, very intense training sessions with recovery phases in quick sequence.

Zirkel: is a form of training that uses complex exercises to improve the quality of movement. Cross training involves movements in which several muscles have to work together.

AQUA FIT: the muscles work permanently against the water resistance and are stressed in a way that is easy on the joints. Muscle strength and endurance are trained. (Summer)

Body Pump: Barbell training with weights




  • Personal Training 1:1                                                                                                        200 rmb

        including: free starting interview (goals, medical condition,

        body analysis) monthly body weighing and measurement

  • one class (50 min)                                                                                                               80 rmb

       including: HIIT, ZIRKEL, TRX, BODY PUMP

  • 10 times class (10x 50 min)                                                                                            700 rmb

        including: HIIT, ZIRKEL, TRX, BODY PUMP

(all prices are for 50 minutes)

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